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Build Model

goctl model is one of the components of the tools module under go-zero, which currently supports recognizing mysql ddl for model layer code generation, and can optionally generate code logic with or without redis cache via the command line or the idea plugin (to be supported soon).

Quick start​

  • Generated via ddl
$ goctl model mysql ddl -src="./*.sql" -dir="./sql/model" -c

The CURD code can be generated quickly after executing the above command.

β”‚Β Β  β”œβ”€β”€ error.go
β”‚Β Β  └── usermodel.go
  • Generated via datasource
$ goctl model mysql datasource -url="user:password@tcp(" -table="*"  -dir="./model"
  • Example of generating code
    package model

import (


var (
userFieldNames = builderx.RawFieldNames(&User{})
userRows = strings.Join(userFieldNames, ",")
userRowsExpectAutoSet = strings.Join(stringx.Remove(userFieldNames, "`id`", "`create_time`", "`update_time`"), ",")
userRowsWithPlaceHolder = strings.Join(stringx.Remove(userFieldNames, "`id`", "`create_time`", "`update_time`"), "=?,") + "=?"

cacheUserNamePrefix = "cache#User#name#"
cacheUserMobilePrefix = "cache#User#mobile#"
cacheUserIdPrefix = "cache#User#id#"
cacheUserPrefix = "cache#User#user#"

type (
UserModel interface {
Insert(data User) (sql.Result, error)
FindOne(id int64) (*User, error)
FindOneByUser(user string) (*User, error)
FindOneByName(name string) (*User, error)
FindOneByMobile(mobile string) (*User, error)
Update(data User) error
Delete(id int64) error

defaultUserModel struct {
table string

User struct {
Id int64 `db:"id"`
User string `db:"user"` // η”¨ζˆ·
Name string `db:"name"` // η”¨ζˆ·εη§°
Password string `db:"password"` // η”¨ζˆ·ε―†η 
Mobile string `db:"mobile"` // ζ‰‹ζœΊε·
Gender string `db:"gender"` // η”·ο½œε₯³ο½œζœͺε…¬εΌ€
Nickname string `db:"nickname"` // η”¨ζˆ·ζ˜΅η§°
CreateTime time.Time `db:"create_time"`
UpdateTime time.Time `db:"update_time"`

func NewUserModel(conn sqlx.SqlConn, c cache.CacheConf) UserModel {
return &defaultUserModel{
CachedConn: sqlc.NewConn(conn, c),
table: "`user`",

func (m *defaultUserModel) Insert(data User) (sql.Result, error) {
userNameKey := fmt.Sprintf("%s%v", cacheUserNamePrefix, data.Name)
userMobileKey := fmt.Sprintf("%s%v", cacheUserMobilePrefix, data.Mobile)
userKey := fmt.Sprintf("%s%v", cacheUserPrefix, data.User)
ret, err := m.Exec(func(conn sqlx.SqlConn) (result sql.Result, err error) {
query := fmt.Sprintf("insert into %s (%s) values (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)", m.table, userRowsExpectAutoSet)
return conn.Exec(query, data.User, data.Name, data.Password, data.Mobile, data.Gender, data.Nickname)
}, userNameKey, userMobileKey, userKey)
return ret, err

func (m *defaultUserModel) FindOne(id int64) (*User, error) {
userIdKey := fmt.Sprintf("%s%v", cacheUserIdPrefix, id)
var resp User
err := m.QueryRow(&resp, userIdKey, func(conn sqlx.SqlConn, v interface{}) error {
query := fmt.Sprintf("select %s from %s where `id` = ? limit 1", userRows, m.table)
return conn.QueryRow(v, query, id)
switch err {
case nil:
return &resp, nil
case sqlc.ErrNotFound:
return nil, ErrNotFound
return nil, err

func (m *defaultUserModel) FindOneByUser(user string) (*User, error) {
userKey := fmt.Sprintf("%s%v", cacheUserPrefix, user)
var resp User
err := m.QueryRowIndex(&resp, userKey, m.formatPrimary, func(conn sqlx.SqlConn, v interface{}) (i interface{}, e error) {
query := fmt.Sprintf("select %s from %s where `user` = ? limit 1", userRows, m.table)
if err := conn.QueryRow(&resp, query, user); err != nil {
return nil, err
return resp.Id, nil
}, m.queryPrimary)
switch err {
case nil:
return &resp, nil
case sqlc.ErrNotFound:
return nil, ErrNotFound
return nil, err

func (m *defaultUserModel) FindOneByName(name string) (*User, error) {
userNameKey := fmt.Sprintf("%s%v", cacheUserNamePrefix, name)
var resp User
err := m.QueryRowIndex(&resp, userNameKey, m.formatPrimary, func(conn sqlx.SqlConn, v interface{}) (i interface{}, e error) {
query := fmt.Sprintf("select %s from %s where `name` = ? limit 1", userRows, m.table)
if err := conn.QueryRow(&resp, query, name); err != nil {
return nil, err
return resp.Id, nil
}, m.queryPrimary)
switch err {
case nil:
return &resp, nil
case sqlc.ErrNotFound:
return nil, ErrNotFound
return nil, err

func (m *defaultUserModel) FindOneByMobile(mobile string) (*User, error) {
userMobileKey := fmt.Sprintf("%s%v", cacheUserMobilePrefix, mobile)
var resp User
err := m.QueryRowIndex(&resp, userMobileKey, m.formatPrimary, func(conn sqlx.SqlConn, v interface{}) (i interface{}, e error) {
query := fmt.Sprintf("select %s from %s where `mobile` = ? limit 1", userRows, m.table)
if err := conn.QueryRow(&resp, query, mobile); err != nil {
return nil, err
return resp.Id, nil
}, m.queryPrimary)
switch err {
case nil:
return &resp, nil
case sqlc.ErrNotFound:
return nil, ErrNotFound
return nil, err

func (m *defaultUserModel) Update(data User) error {
userIdKey := fmt.Sprintf("%s%v", cacheUserIdPrefix, data.Id)
_, err := m.Exec(func(conn sqlx.SqlConn) (result sql.Result, err error) {
query := fmt.Sprintf("update %s set %s where `id` = ?", m.table, userRowsWithPlaceHolder)
return conn.Exec(query, data.User, data.Name, data.Password, data.Mobile, data.Gender, data.Nickname, data.Id)
}, userIdKey)
return err

func (m *defaultUserModel) Delete(id int64) error {
data, err := m.FindOne(id)
if err != nil {
return err

userNameKey := fmt.Sprintf("%s%v", cacheUserNamePrefix, data.Name)
userMobileKey := fmt.Sprintf("%s%v", cacheUserMobilePrefix, data.Mobile)
userIdKey := fmt.Sprintf("%s%v", cacheUserIdPrefix, id)
userKey := fmt.Sprintf("%s%v", cacheUserPrefix, data.User)
_, err = m.Exec(func(conn sqlx.SqlConn) (result sql.Result, err error) {
query := fmt.Sprintf("delete from %s where `id` = ?", m.table)
return conn.Exec(query, id)
}, userNameKey, userMobileKey, userIdKey, userKey)
return err

func (m *defaultUserModel) formatPrimary(primary interface{}) string {
return fmt.Sprintf("%s%v", cacheUserIdPrefix, primary)

func (m *defaultUserModel) queryPrimary(conn sqlx.SqlConn, v, primary interface{}) error {
query := fmt.Sprintf("select %s from %s where `id` = ? limit 1", userRows, m.table)
return conn.QueryRow(v, query, primary)


$ goctl model mysql -h
goctl model mysql - generate mysql model"

goctl model mysql command [command options] [arguments...]

ddl generate mysql model from ddl"
datasource generate model from datasource"

--help, -h show help

Generate rules​

  • Default Rules

    By default users create createTime, updateTime fields (ignore case, underscore naming style) and the default value is CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, while updateTime supports ON UPDATE CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, for these two fields generate insert, update will be removed from the assignment, of course, if you do not need these two fields then it does not matter.

  • With cache mode

  • ddl

    $ goctl model mysql -src={patterns} -dir={dir} -cache


    goctl model mysql ddl - generate mysql model from ddl

    goctl model mysql ddl [command options] [arguments...]

    --src value, -s value the path or path globbing patterns of the ddl
    --dir value, -d value the target dir
    --style value the file naming format, see []
    --cache, -c generate code with cache [optional]
    --idea for idea plugin [optional]
    • datasource

      $ goctl model mysql datasource -url={datasource} -table={patterns}  -dir={dir} -cache=true


      goctl model mysql datasource - generate model from datasource

      goctl model mysql datasource [command options] [arguments...]

      --url value the data source of database,like "root:password@tcp(
      --table value, -t value the table or table globbing patterns in the database
      --cache, -c generate code with cache [optional]
      --dir value, -d value the target dir
      --style value the file naming format, see []
      --idea for idea plugin [optional]

goctl model mysql ddl/datasource both have a new --style parameter to mark the file naming style.

Currently only support redis cache, if you choose to bring cache mode, that is, the generated FindOne(ByXxx) & Delete code will generate code with cache logic, currently only support single index fields (in addition to full-text indexes), for the joint index we do not think by default need to bring cache, and does not belong to the general code, so not put in the code generation ranks, such as example in the user table id, name, mobile fields belong to the single field index.

  • Without cache mode

  • ddl

    $ goctl model -src={patterns} -dir={dir}
    • datasource

      $  goctl model mysql datasource -url={datasource} -table={patterns}  -dir={dir}


    • ddl

      $  goctl model -src={patterns} -dir={dir}
    • datasource

      $  goctl model mysql datasource -url={datasource} -table={patterns}  -dir={dir}

Generate code with only basic CURD structure.


For the cache piece I chose to list it in the form of a question and answer. I think this will give a clearer description of the functions of the cache in the mod.

  • What information does the cache cache?

    For primary key field caching, the entire structure information is cached, while for single index fields (except full-text indexes) the primary key field values are cached.

  • Will the cache be cleared if the data is updated (update)?

    will, but only clear the primary key cache information, WHY?

  • Why not generate code for updateByXxx and deleteByXxx as per single index field?

    Theoretically there is no problem, but we believe that the data operations for the model layer are all in the whole structure, including the query, I do not recommend querying only a certain part of the fields (no objection), otherwise our cache will be meaningless.

  • Why not support findPageLimit, findAll so mode code generation layer?

    Currently, I think all the code except the basic CURD is <i>business-type</i> code, which I think is better for developers to write according to business needs.

    Type conversion rules

    mysql dataTypegolang dataTypegolang dataType(if null&&default null)