api syntax
api example
* api syntax example and syntax description
// api syntax version
syntax = "v1"
// import literal
import "foo.api"
// import group
import (
author: "songmeizi"
date: "2020-01-08"
desc: "api syntax example and syntax description"
// type literal
type Foo{
Foo int `json:"foo"`
// type group
Bar int `json:"bar"`
// service block
jwt: Auth
group: foo
service foo-api{
@doc "foo"
@handler foo
post /foo (Foo) returns (Bar)
api syntax structure
- syntax syntax declaration
- import syntax block
- info syntax block
- type syntax block
- service syntax block
- Hidden channels
In the above syntax structure, each syntax block can be declared anywhere in the .api file, syntactically speaking, according to the syntax block as a unit. However, to improve reading efficiency, we recommend declaring them in the above order, as the order of syntax blocks may be controlled by strict mode in the future.
syntax syntax declaration
is a newly added syntax construct that was introduced to address.
- Quickly locating problematic syntax constructs against api versions
- Parsing syntax for versions
- Preventing api syntax from being forward compatible due to major version upgrades
The api being imported must match the syntax version of the main api.
Syntax Definition
Syntax Description
syntax: fixed token that marks the beginning of a syntax structure
checkVersion: custom go method to check if STRING
is a legal version number, the current detection logic is that STRING must be satisfying (?m) "v[1-9][0-9]*"
STRING: a string wrapped in English double quotes, such as "v1"
An api syntax file can only have 0 or 1 syntax declaration, if there is no syntax, then the default is the v1 version
Examples of correct syntax ✅
eg1:Unstandardized writing method
eg2: normative writing (recommended)
syntax = "v2"
Examples of incorrect syntax ❌
syntax = "v0"
syntax = v1
syntax = "V1"
import syntax block
As business size increases, more and more structures and services are defined in the api, and all the syntax descriptions are in one api file, which is such a bad problem that it will greatly increase the reading difficulty and maintenance difficulty. import syntax block can help us solve this problem by splitting the api file. By splitting api files, different api files are declared according to certain rules, which can reduce the difficulty of reading and maintaining.
Here import does not contain package declarations like golang, it is just an introduction of file paths, and eventually parsing will bring all declarations together into a single spec. You can't import more than one of the same path, otherwise it will be parsed incorrectly.
Syntax Definition
'import' {checkImportValue(p)}STRING
|'import' '(' ({checkImportValue(p)}STRING)+ ')'
Syntax Description
import: fixed token, marking the beginning of an import syntax
checkImportValue: custom go method to check if STRING
is a legal file path, the current detection logic is that STRING must be satisfying (?m)"(/? [a-zA-Z0-9_#-])+\.api"
STRING: a string wrapped in English double quotes, e.g. "foo.api"
Examples of correct syntax ✅
import "foo.api"
import "foo/bar.api"
Examples of incorrect syntax ❌
import foo.api
import "foo.txt"
import (
info syntax block
The info syntax block is a syntax body containing multiple key-value pairs, which is equivalent to the description of an api service, and is mapped by the parser to the spec. Spec for the meta elements that need to be carried when translating to other languages (golang, java, etc.). If it's just a description of the current api, without considering its translation to other languages, a simple multi-line comment or a java-style documentation comment is sufficient; see Hidden Passages below for comment descriptions.
Cannot use duplicate keys, only 0 or 1 info syntax block per api file
Syntax Definition
'info' '(' (ID {checkKeyValue(p)}VALUE)+ ')'
Syntax Description
info: fixed token, marking the beginning of an info syntax block
checkKeyValue: custom go method, check if VALUE
is a legal value.
VALUE: the value corresponding to the key, can be a single line except '\r', '\n', '/' after any character, multiple lines please wrap with "", but it is strongly recommended that all are wrapped with ""
Examples of correct syntax ✅
eg1:Unstandardized writing method
foo: foo value
bar:"bar value"
desc:"long long long long
long long text"
eg2: normative writing (recommended)
foo: "foo value"
bar: "bar value"
desc: "long long long long long long text"
Examples of incorrect syntax ❌
eg1:No key-value content
eg2:Does not contain a colon
foo value
eg3:key-value without newline
eg4:No key
: "value"
eg5:Illegal key
12: "value"
eg6:Remove old version multi-line syntax
foo: >
some text
type syntax block
In api service, we need to use a structure (class) as a request body, response body carrier, so we need to declare some structure to do this thing, type syntax block evolved from golang type, of course, also retains some golang type characteristics, along with golang characteristics are.
- preserves the golang built-in data types
, - Compatible with golang struct style declarations
- Retain golang keywords
- alias is not supported
- The time.Time data type is not supported
- Structure names, field names, and cannot be golang keywords
Syntax Definition
Since it is similar to golang, it will not be described in detail. Please see the specific syntax definition in [ApiParser.g4](https://github.com/zeromicro/go-zero/blob/master/tools/goctl/api/parser/g4/ApiParser. g4) to see the typeSpec definition.
Syntax description
Refer to golang writing style
Correct syntax example ✅
eg1: not written in the correct way
type Foo struct{
Id int `path:"id"` // ①
Foo int `json:"foo"`
type Bar struct{
// Non-exportable fields
bar int `form:"bar"`
// Non-exportable Structs
fooBar struct{
FooBar int `json:"fooBar"`
eg2: normative writing (recommended)
type Foo{
Id int `path:"id"`
Foo int `json:"foo"`
type Bar{
Bar int `form:"bar"`
FooBar int `json:"fooBar"`
Examples of incorrect syntax ❌
type Gender int // Not supported
// non struct token
type Foo structure{
CreateTime time.Time // Time is not supported and tag is not declared
// golang keyword var
type var{}
type Foo{
// golang keyword interface
Foo interface // No statement tag
type Foo{
foo int
// map key must be a golang built-in data type with no tag declared
m map[Bar]string
tag definition is the same as json tag syntax in golang. In addition to json tag, go-zero also provides some other tags to implement the description of the fields. See the following table for details. See the table below for details.
- tag table
tag key Description Provider Valid range Example json json serialization tag golang request, response json:"fooo"
path Routing path, such as /foo/:id
go-zero request path:"id"
form Identifies that the request body is a form (in the POST method) or a query (in the GET method /search?name=keyword
)go-zero request form:"name"
header HTTP header, such as Name: value
go-zero request header:"name"
- tag modifier
Common parameter verification description
tag key | Description | Provider | Valid range | Example |
optional | Define the current field as an optional parameter | go-zero | request | json:"name ,optional" |
options | Define the enumeration value of the current field, multiple are separated by a vertical bar| | go-zero | request | json:"gender,options=male" |
default | Define the default value of the current field | go-zero | request | json:"gender,default =male" |
range | Define the value range of the current field | go-zero | request | json:"age,range =[0:120]" |
service syntax block
service syntax block is used to define api services, including service name, service metadata, middleware declaration, routes, handlers, etc.
- The names of the main api and the api service being imported must be the same, and there must be no service name ambiguity.
- handler names must not be repeated
- route (request method + request path) names must not be duplicated
- The request body must be declared as a normal (non-pointer) struct, the response body has some forward-compatible processing, see below for details
Syntax Definition
serviceSpec: atServer? serviceApi;
atServer: '@server' lp='(' kvLit+ rp=')';
serviceApi: {match(p,"service")}serviceToken=ID serviceName lbrace='{' serviceRoute* rbrace='}';
serviceRoute: atDoc? (atServer|atHandler) route;
atDoc: '@doc' lp='('? ((kvLit+)|STRING) rp=')'?;
atHandler: '@handler' ID;
route: {checkHttpMethod(p)}httpMethod=ID path request=body? returnToken=ID? response=replybody?;
body: lp='(' (ID)? rp=')';
replybody: lp='(' dataType? rp=')';
// kv
kvLit: key=ID {checkKeyValue(p)}value=LINE_VALUE;
serviceName: (ID '-'?)+;
path: (('/' (ID ('-' ID)*))|('/:' (ID ('-' ID)?)))+;
Syntax Description
serviceSpec: contains an optional syntax block atServer
and serviceApi
syntax block, which follows the sequence pattern (writing service must follow the sequence, otherwise it will be parsed with errors)
atServer: optional syntax block, defining the server metadata of key-value structure, '@server' It can be used to describe the serviceApi or route syntax block, and there are some special key keys that need to be noted when it is used to describe different syntax blocks, see atServer key key description.
serviceApi: contains 1 to multiple serviceRoute
syntax blocks
serviceRoute: contains atDoc
, handler and route
according to the sequence pattern
Spec structure after parsing, if you don't care to pass it to spec.
handler: is the handler level description of the route, you can specify the handler name by specifying the handler
key via atServer, or you can define the handler name directly using the atHandler syntax block
atHandler: '@handler' fixed token followed by a value that follows the regular [_a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z_-]*
), used to declare a handler name
route: route, has httpMethod
, path
, optional request
, optional response
, httpMethod
is must be lowercase.
body: api request body syntax definition, must be wrapped by the () optional ID value
replyBody: api response body syntax definition, must be wrapped by () struct, ~~array (forward-compatible processing, subsequent may be deprecated, highly recommended to struct wrapped, do not directly use array as the response body) ~~
kvLit: same as info key-value
serviceName: ID value that can have multiple '-' joins
path: api request path, must start with '/' or '/:', not end with '/', the middle can contain ID or multiple '-' join the ID string
atServer Key Key Description Description
When modifying service
key | Description | Example | |
jwt | Declare that all routes under the current service require jwt authentication, and will automatically generate code containing jwt logic | jwt: Auth | jwt: Auth |
group | Declare the current service or routing file group | group: login | |
middleware | Declare that the current service needs to enable middleware | middleware: AuthMiddleware | |
prefix | Add routing group | prefix: /api |
When modifying the route
key | Description | Example |
handler | Declare a handler | - |
Example of correct syntax ✅
eg1:Unstandardized writing method
jwt: Auth
group: foo
middleware: AuthMiddleware
prefix /api
service foo-api{
summary: foo
handler: foo
// Non-exportable body
post /foo/:id (foo) returns (bar)
@doc "bar"
@handler bar
post /bar returns ([]int)// Arrays are not recommended as response bodies
@handler fooBar
post /foo/bar (Foo) returns // 'returns' can be omitted
eg2: normative writing (recommended)
jwt: Auth
group: foo
middleware: AuthMiddleware
prefix: /api
service foo-api{
@doc "foo"
@handler foo
post /foo/:id (Foo) returns (Bar)
service foo-api{
@handler ping
get /ping
@doc "foo"
@handler bar
post /bar/:id (Foo)
Examples of incorrect syntax ❌
// Empty server syntax blocks are not supported
// 不支持空的service语法块
service foo-api{
service foo-api{
@doc kkkk // The short version doc must be caused by double quotation marks in English
@handler foo
post /foo
@handler foo // Repeated handlers
post /bar
@handler fooBar
post /bar // Duplicate Routing
// @handler and @doc are in the wrong order
@handler someHandler
@doc "some doc"
post /some/path
// handler missing
post /some/path/:id
@handler reqTest
post /foo/req (*Foo) // Data types other than normal structures are not supported as request bodies
@handler replyTest
post /foo/reply returns (*Foo) // Do not support data types other than ordinary structures, arrays (forward compatible, subsequently considered deprecated) as response bodies
Hidden Channels
We will only talk about comments here, because blank and newline symbols are useless at the moment.
Single line comments
Syntax definition
'//' ~[\r\n]*
Syntax description
As you know from the syntax definition, a single line comment must start with //
and the content must not contain a line break
Correct syntax example ✅
// doc
// comment
Examples of incorrect syntax ❌
// break
line comments
java style documentation comments
Syntax Definition
'/*' .*? '*/'
Syntax description
As you know from the syntax definition, a single line comment must start with /*
and end with */
in any character.
Example of correct syntax ✅
* java-style doc
Examples of incorrect syntax ❌
* java-style doc */
We specify that all comments (single line, or multiple lines) from line+1 of the previous syntax block (non-hidden channel content) to the first element of the current syntax block are doc, and retain the //
, /*
, */
original tokens.
We specify that a comment block (on the same line, or on multiple lines) starting from the line where the last element of the current syntax block is located is a comment and retains the //
, /*
, */
primitive tokens.
Support for syntax blocks Doc and Comment
Grammar blocks | parent syntax block | Doc | Comment |
syntaxLit | api | ✅ | ✅ |
kvLit | infoSpec | ✅ | ✅ |
importLit | importSpec | ✅ | ✅ |
typeLit | api | ✅ | ❌ |
typeLit | typeBlock | ✅ | ❌ |
field | typeLit | ✅ | ✅ |
key-value | atServer | ✅ | ✅ |
atHandler | serviceRoute | ✅ | ✅ |
route | serviceRoute | ✅ | ✅ |
The following is the corresponding syntax block parsed with doc and comment writing
// syntaxLit doc
syntax = "v1" // syntaxLit commnet
// kvLit doc
author: songmeizi // kvLit comment
// typeLit doc
type Foo {}
// typeLit doc
// filed doc
Name int // filed comment
* kvLit doc
* Enabling jwt forensics
jwt: Auth /**kvLit comment*/
service foo-api{
// atHandler doc
@handler foo //atHandler comment
* route doc
* post request
* path /foo
* Request Body:Foo
* Response Body:Foo
post /foo (Foo) returns (Foo) // route comment