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Build RPC

Create user rpc service​

  • Create user rpc service
$ cd ~/go-zero-demo/mall 
$ mkdir -p user/rpc && cd user/rpc
  • Add user.proto file, add getUser method
$ vim ~/go-zero-demo/mall/user/rpc/user.proto
syntax = "proto3";

package user;

//protoc-gen-go version greater than 1.4.0, proto file need to add go_package, otherwise it can not be generated
option go_package = "./user";

message IdRequest {
string id = 1;

message UserResponse {
// η”¨ζˆ·id
string id = 1;
// η”¨ζˆ·εη§°
string name = 2;
// η”¨ζˆ·ζ€§εˆ«
string gender = 3;

service User {
rpc getUser(IdRequest) returns(UserResponse);
  • Generate code

    $ cd ~/go-zero-demo/mall/user/rpc
    $ goctl rpc template -o user.proto
    $ goctl rpc proto -src user.proto -dir .
    [goclt version <=1.2.1] protoc -I=/Users/xx/mall/user user.proto --goctl_out=plugins=grpc:/Users/xx/mall/user/user
    [goctl version > 1.2.1] protoc -I=/Users/xx/mall/user user.proto --go_out=plugins=grpc:/Users/xx/mall/user/user
protoc-gen-go version

If the installed version of protoc-gen-go is greater than 1.4.0, it is recommended to add go_package to the proto file

  • Populate business logic
$ vim internal/logic/getuserlogic.go
package logic

import (



type GetUserLogic struct {
ctx context.Context
svcCtx *svc.ServiceContext

func NewGetUserLogic(ctx context.Context, svcCtx *svc.ServiceContext) *GetUserLogic {
return &GetUserLogic{
ctx: ctx,
svcCtx: svcCtx,
Logger: logx.WithContext(ctx),

func (l *GetUserLogic) GetUser(in *user.IdRequest) (*user.UserResponse, error) {
return &user.UserResponse{
Id: "1",
Name: "test",
}, nil
  • Modify the configuration
$ vim internal/config/config.go
package config

import (

type Config struct {
  • Add yaml configuration
$ vim etc/user.yaml 
Name: user.rpc
Key: user.rpc
  • Modify the directory file
$ cd ~/go-zero-demo/mall/rpc
$ mkdir userclient && mv /user/user.go /userclient

Start the service and verify​

  • Start etcd
$ etcd
  • Start user rpc
$ go run user.go -f etc/user.yaml
Starting rpc server at